11 Jan Gardening Tips for January
Well, 2021 hasn’t exactly started the way we’d hoped it would. With the announcement from the Prime Minister that the country would go back into a lock down until the middle of February, many of us may have felt a little anxiety at the prospect of being stuck in doors for an extended period of time.
Well, the beauty of Warfield Park is that we all have a bit of outdoor space which will need tending to during these winter months, and there’s nothing better than getting outside in the fresh air for a bit of light exercise in the form of getting your garden ready for the spring.
We have compiled some tips for your garden from the Royal Horticultural Society.
Remember, if you are unsure about anything regarding the coronavirus, make sure you follow the Government guidelines, and our very own James Sumner has been publishing updates specifically aimed at our residents.
January in the Garden
While this month might feel like the ‘dead of winter’ the days start getting a little longer and your garden will start to grow again. With this in mind, January is a great time to plan for the spring and get your seeds and plants on order. We’re in for some fairly severe weather so checking your winter protection and supports is important at this time.
Spring Clean in Winter
Take some time to clean your pots and greenhouses ready for new planting and sunnier months ahead. These tend to be the less glamorous tasks but cleaning out gutters, greenhouses and water butts is an important one. Cleaning the glass on your greenhouse will make a huge difference to the amount of light getting to your plants, especially after winter. Clearing moss and algae will also help control pests in and around your plants.
Prepare for planting
Now is as good a time as any to cultivate your soil; it can be a little hard work so take your time. Turning your soil over is a great way to refresh the structure of the soil and adding a fertiliser will keep it rich and fertile; it will also bury any weeds or debris from the previous year. Don’t go overboard though, over cultivating can actually damage the soil structure.
Make sure you check tender plants for rot or potential drying patches, adding a protective layer of mulch can help keep Begonias, Dahlias and Cannas from suffering in the severe weather.
If you have fruit trees such as apples and pears, make sure you prune them now (if you haven’t already). Be careful not to over prune, you only really need to remove 10-20% of the overall tree canopy. Remember, you are only looking to remove old wood in order to encourage new growth. If your pile of pruned wood is starting to get big, stop pruning. Over pruning can damage the tree and affect the fruit growth.
Get in Touch
Remember, if you would like to know more about living in Warfield Park or would like to write an article for our blog you can call us on 01344 884666 or email us. If you would like to keep up with all the park news, make sure you follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Stay up to date on COVID-19
If you would like to know more about Coronavirus (COVID-19) please only refer to reputable sources such as the Government website. We have also been posting regular updates from James Sumner – you can see the latest update here. Should you need to contact us, you can call us on 01344 884666 or email us.