22 Nov Keeping warm in your Park Home
During the summer months and mild weather, park homes require very little energy to heat, but what about the winter months? The clocks have gone back and winter has officially arrived – it’s time to shut those doors and hunker down until the weather turns.
There is a common misconception that park homes are freezing in the winter; well, perhaps 30-40 years ago, but with modern materials and new technologies park homes generally feel like any other bricks and mortar home. In fact, when compared to its bricks and mortar equivalent some modern park homes are able to exceed the energy efficiency standards set by Building Regulations for traditional bricks and mortar style property.
Staying Warm
Keeping a park home warm in the winter is no different to keeping any space warm. In fact, new park homes are now better insulated than they have ever been, and are comparable to most new build bricks and mortar properties.
As long as you ensure good heating practices you will find that winters in your park home can be cosy and comfortable – it really does offer the best of both worlds – in the summer they are cool and in the winter they are cost effective to heat. When the temperatures drop during the winter evenings it’s a real comfort to know you have somewhere warm and cosy to hibernate.
British Standards (the technical bit)
Residential park homes are built to British Standard (BS 3632:2015). To achieve this standard a park home needs to be structurally sound and weather resistant. However, when it comes to energy efficiency the revised standards ensure that all new park homes meet higher criteria for thermal performance.
Recent improvements have meant that the thermal performance of walls and floors have been increased by 30% in the last 3 years due to the wall thickness increasing and improved insulation. There has also been a 33% increase in the thermal performance of roofs, and a 20% reduction in heat loss through windows and doors during this time frame.
New park homes at Warfield Park are built by a variety of manufacturers which often exceed the criteria of the British Standard. Bespoke homes can be specified by some manufacturers to meet the highest code of sustainability should a client request this.
If you would like to speak to us about keeping warm this winter you can pop into our office or give us a call on 01344 884666 or email us. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.