09 Oct October Covid-19 Updates
COVID-19 Update 23/10/2020
I hope we are all keeping well.
The last 2 weeks have clearly been hectic for Government, although in terms of announcements other than the major headline grabbing points there have been relatively few major changes to take note of.
COVID Alert Level
After making his statement to the House of Commons on 12/10/2020, about the state of the pandemic, the Prime Minister has announced the COVID Alert Level and its tiered structure. A Full list of COVID Alert Level areas can be found here.
At the time of writing Bracknell Forest is in Tier 1 (Medium Alert). If you have family who live in a High or Very High Alert area this will affect how and if you can meet them. The links to what you can do in the various alert levels can be found below;
- What you can do in a Medium Alert Level area can found here
- What you can do in a High Alert area can be found here
- What you can do in a Very High alert area can be found here
Government have also released a short information video giving a visual demonstration on how the virus is spread in various settings.
Job Support Scheme
The Chancellor has just announced improvements to the Job Support Scheme due to start on 1st November.
At this time only the extremely clinically vulnerable are currently being asked to shield. Guidance on Shielding can be found on this link.
Bracknell Forest
In local news, Bracknell Forest has seen relatively low numbers of cases of COVID-19 since it began to spread across the UK. Bracknell Forest is however starting to see an increase in cases with the data suggesting this is coming mainly from visits between households; please see the press release from Bracknell Forest Council for more information.
If you are having friends and family round please make sure you are following the guidance relevant to the alert level we’re in (medium at time of writing) and if you have family or friends visiting please make sure you’re aware of what you can do based on the alert level where they live.
As always stay safe everyone.
Kind Regards;
James Sumner FdA
COVID-19 Updtae 09/10/2020
I hope we’ve all been keeping well.
In the intervening weeks since my last update we have seen much in the way of speculation in the media about potential further lockdown measures particularly in northern England, but so far very little has actually changed and we’ve had no announcements on upcoming changes. Consequently this is a very brief update.
Prime Minister’s Statement
The Prime Minister made a Statement to the nation on 30th September 2020 outlining that we are entering difficult waters, but we are better prepared that we were in March there are treatments to mitigate the worst effects for those needing to be hospitalised.
I suspect the coming weeks may see drastic changes with very little notice or advance warning much like in we saw in March. It would be in everyone’s interest to familiarise themselves with Governments guidance on their dedicated website.
As I have said previously this was always going to be a marathon and not a sprint, and as we head into winter this will be the most challenging of times when our collective determination will be tested but we must continue to move forward with the firm and steady resolve that has got us this far.
As always stay safe everyone.
Kind Regards
James Sumner FdA