Rightsizing for your future.

We like to look at as many different factors affecting our existing residents, and potential residents as possible.

Many people spend their young lives living and working through from studio apartments, flats, small houses; all with that family home in the country, as their goal. But what happens when you achieve your dream house and the kids grow up and fly the nest, leaving you with a property far too big for your needs.

Don’t want to ‘downsize’?

We hear a lot about ‘downsizing’ but does this ‘catch all’ phrase tell the whole story? Not exactly. For many people moving into a smaller property could be the best move for them, but often it’s more about using their space more efficiently and living smarter. This is called ‘rightsizing’.

Once we have accepted and come to terms with the phrase ‘rightsizing’ the process of making this big decision becomes easier. In the past you may not have considered there was much difference between ‘rightsizing’ and ‘downsizing’.

As you make your way through life your personal and professional priorities change. The same goes for your living circumstances – single life when you’re young is very different to family live in your forties. As you get older, you are unlikely to prioritise a large house close to amenities and in fact, crave somewhere more community-focused alongside like-minded people surrounded by different opportunities.

Finding the RIGHT size

Rightsizing isn’t just about what you live in – it’s about creating a lifestyle which uniquely fits your evolving ideals.

Moving to a Park Home is the right move for many people in this situation. The sale of your bricks and mortar home can free up valuable equity, enabling you to spend on things you love. Your new (potentially smaller) home will have better energy efficiency will make your utility bills smaller, while general running costs and maintenance tasks are fewer.

Rightsizing to a Park Home doesn’t necessarily mean compromising on your everyday lives. Warfield Park Homes have generously-sized gardens for each home and some even come with garages for that extra storage you might miss having moved from a bricks and mortar house.

Rightsizing is something that can be done at any stage of life, although proves most popular among the over 55s. It is an opportunity to enjoy the things you may have put on hold during your younger years and even find new things to enjoy.

Get in touch

If you would like to speak to a member of our team about the available option get in touch with us online or call us on 01344 884666. You can also follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and our new Instagram account.