29 Jul Social Spotlight: Women’s Institute
We speak about Warfield Park being a wonderful place to live, and while much of that is down to the location and homes we have on the Park; one of the key selling points is the community that has been created.
So, we welcome you to our first edition of our Social Spotlight Series of articles where we feature one of the social clubs and opportunities available to our residents.
Many of these clubs are managed and run by volunteers who dedicate a great deal of time and effort into enriching the lives of their fellow residents. First up is the Women’s Institute, locally known as The Park WI, run by Park resident Ivy Prowse and her team. Over to you Ivy…
The Park WI
My name is Ivy Prowse and I have lived on The Park for 17 Years. I am the President and founder member of The Park WI which was formed in 2004 and which is affiliated to The Berkshire Federation of Women’s Institutes.
Our Institute meets on the third Thursday of each month at 2pm in Warfield Park Community Hall and new members are always welcome. We have a membership of between 50 & 60 members, which obviously changes each year.
Membership is open to residents and non-residents of The Park and there is no minimum or maximum age limit. Prior to joining as a member, Ladies may attend as visitors on two occasions for £3 each time. Our current annual WI membership fee (laid down by The National Federation of Women’s Institutes,) is £42 per year, (if affiliated to a second WI £20.50).
Our meetings follow a fairly regular format: A business section of both County and Institute Events, followed by refreshments after which there is usually a Speaker on subjects which are varied and interesting.
At each meeting a raffle is drawn, a themed display is held, and every other meeting a Sales Table of donated items is available. We currently have a Summer Afternoon Tea in August and a Christmas Party in December. Other activities arranged throughout the year are lunches, coffee mornings/afternoon teas, outings, craft sessions, Knit & Natter and Games afternoons, as well as acrylic painting days.
Our aim is to provide an enjoyable social environment where we can in the words of the
WI, “become inspired”.
If you are interested in coming along to a meeting or signing up for membership, make sure you get in touch with our secretary – Carol Gregg, Secretary on 01344 647183.
Ivy Prowse
President, The Park WI
Get in touch
If you would like to know more about living in Warfield park or have any questions you can call us on 01344 884666 or email us. If you would like to keep up with all the park news, make sure you follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.