17 Apr Switching to Email Invoicing
A note from James Sumner on the future of our invoicing system.
Dear All
I’d like to send my thanks to those of you who have either agreed to receive your invoice by email, or those which have said that you’d prefer to receive a paper copy. We’ve already started confirming your preferences on our system.
If you still want to receive your invoice in the usual way, i.e. by post, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing us, calling 01344 884666, or dropping a note into the post box at the office.
I’d now like explain how the system will work.
How you will be receiving your invoice
You will be receiving your invoice as a PDF (Portable Document Format).
In order to open the PDF on your computer, phone, tablet etc. you’ll need to have a PDF reader installed. These are readily available for download online and Adobe offers a free download of ‘Adobe Acrobat Reader DC’ which will be sufficient for your needs. As ever other PDF providers are available.
Many phones, tablets and the latest computers come with an inbuilt PDF reader so you may not have to look very far.
How does it work?
Our system will look to see if you have an email address registered with us and it will then automatically generate a PDF and email it to you.
As some of you may be aware, we can have two active email addresses listed with each property. Where this is the case we have decided that the simplest solution is to send out a single email per home. We’ve set the system up so that it follows the logic of your agreements as this has only one or two individuals named.
In simple terms;
- If the first and second named individuals both have email addresses noted on our system, the system will default to sending the invoice to the first named individual.
- If the first named individual does not have an email address noted on our system they will not receive the invoice, but if the second named individual does have an email address noted then they will receive the invoice.
Obviously if we do not have an email address noted on our system for your home then we cannot send you a PDF invoice. If you haven’t notified us of your email address and wish to receive your invoice by this method, then please could you provide us with the necessary contact details as soon as possible by emailing us.
When we’re starting
We’ll be sending email invoices from 28th May 2020 onwards. If you would still prefer to receive a paper copy then please let us know.
How we intend to improve this
Over the coming months we will be looking at how we can improve the way we deliver this new system to you. This may well involve a system similar to users of internet banking where you are sent an email saying your invoice is ready and you can login to view your invoices online via our website.
This will need to be developed over time and we will inform you of any changes before they take effect.
As always, please stay safe and take care of yourselves.
James Sumner
Stay up to date
Remember, if you would like to know more about Coronavirus (COVID-19) please only refer to reputable sources such as the Government website. We have also been posting regular updates from James Sumner – you can see the latest update here. Should you need to contact us, you can call us on 01344 884666 or email us. Make sure you follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for regular updates.