We have completed the second phase of our electrification project, successfully installing EV (electric vehicle) chargers on a further 18  homes in Harvest Lea, our dedicated rental area. We have partnered with EV Domestic and used chargers manufactured by EO Charging, a leading UK-based EV charging...

By James Sumner, Executive Director at Warfield Park, Bracknell I recently had the privilege of visiting King’s Academy Easthampstead Park (KAEP) and witnessing the remarkable work being done to shape the future of our local young people. As executive director of Warfield Park, I am proud to...

At Warfield Park, we are making a significant investment in electric vehicle (EV) charging points for all our rented park homes in Harvest Lea, our dedicated rental area, and on all our new park homes from 2023. We have already installed 15 new EV charging points...