For many of us, 2020 will be a difficult year to forget however hard you try. The year started positively with everyone looking forward to achieving their goals and sticking to those resolutions. As one of the most prestigious Residential Park Home addresses in the...

COVID-19 Update 18/12/2020 As we wind down ready for the festive period this will be my final COVID update of the year.  Christmas is certainly set to be different and we end this year and enter the new one with hope in the form of various...

COVID-19 Update 20/11/2020 It’s been a relatively quiet couple of weeks although there’s not much to update everyone on we do however have 2 big and very positive announcements. Vaccines Subject to regulatory approval we appear to be close to receiving several vaccines in the coming months. Government response...

COVID-19 Update 23/10/2020 I hope we are all keeping well. The last 2 weeks have clearly been hectic for Government, although in terms of announcements other than the major headline grabbing points there have been relatively few major changes to take note of. COVID Alert Level After making his...

COVID-19 Update 11/09/2020 I hope we’ve all been keeping well since my last update. It’s be a relativity quite few weeks with nothing of significance for me to report on and I’m sure some of you will have been glad of not receiving an update from me. ...

As one of the premier park home addresses in the UK, our team here at Warfield Park is dedicated to bringing the finest park homes and technology innovation to our residents. With this in mind we are delighted to announce that we will be welcoming...

COVID-19 Update 14/08/2020 I hope one and all have been keeping well since my last update.  Aside from school exam results and local lock downs in some areas of the UK, some significant changes have been announced in the last few days. Changes to Lock down Government decided...

August is usually the time we get into the garden and enjoy all of our hard work from the preceding months. While the lock down is still in force around the country (albeit loosening somewhat) the best and safest place to be is still, at...

COVID-19 Update 26/06/2020 We’ve had only a handful of announcements this week, but they’ve been big ones so without further ado I will start. Changes to social distancing Government have announced a change to their message on social distancing.  They have now moved to 1 metre plus.  This...

It’s been a tough time all round recently and while we are still under lockdown and still need to be following the Government’s advice, we thought that we’d sidestep all the doom and gloom that COVID-19 has brought and take a look at something a...