Park Rules

Rules for Tenants effective from 20th March 2015

These park rules are for the benefit of the whole of Warfield Park and form part of your obligations under the tenancy agreement and should be read in conjunction with the conditions details in your Tenancy Agreement. There are a certain number of rules that have been intentionally left blank which do not apply to rental tenants.

Identification of Pitch

1. Not applicable to rental tenants and intentionally left blank.

Condition of the Pitch

2. For reasons of ventilation and safety you must keep the underneath of your home clear and not use it as storage space.

3. You must not erect fences or other means of enclosure.

4. Not applicable to rental tenants and intentionally left blank.

5. Not applicable to rental tenants and intentionally left blank.

6. Not applicable to rental tenants and intentionally left blank.

7. You must ensure that washing lines are reasonably screened from public view.

8. You must not have any unenclosed external fires, fireworks, or Chinese lanterns, except barbecues or chimineas.

9. You must not keep inflammable substances on the park except in quantities reasonable for domestic use.

10. You must not keep any explosive substances without an appropriate licence on the park.

11. You must not plant any trees or shrubs on the pitch which may grow to a height of more than 3.3 metres when fully grown.

Rules 8, 9, & 11 do not apply to the Park Owner, their family, or members of staff in the course of their work.


12. You are not permitted to have more than three garden buildings of a maximum size of 3
metres x 2.4 metres (10ft x 8ft), subject to our approval in writing (which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed). Garden buildings means sheds, summer houses, greenhouses, and garden storage containers.

13. You are not permitted to have more than one garage on your pitch, subject to our approval in writing (which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed).

14. You are not permitted any tree houses.

15. You are not permitted to have more than two composting bins 1 square metre in size which should be non-inflammable on your pitch.

16. You are not permitted to store more than 1300 litres of heating oil, such storage must be in an approved polypropylene double skinned oil tank and comply with any relevant Code of Practice.

17. You are not permitted to store more than the following gas cylinders 2 x 19kg if used for cooking purposes or 4 x 47kg if used for cooking and central heating on your pitch. All cylinders should be stored in accordance with the appropriate regulations.

18. You must not have any additional storage receptacles on the pitch other than the items mentioned in Rules 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.

19. You must ensure that any shed or other structure erected in the separation distance between park homes is of non-combustible construction and positioned to comply with the parks site licence conditions and fire safety requirements. The separation distance is the space between your park home and any neighbours home or building.

Rules 12, 13 and 17 do not apply to the park owner, their family or members of staff in the course of their work.

Note: it may be necessary to obtain planning permission for such additions and you are advised to check with the local planning authority and for the avoidance of doubt garages, summer houses, sheds and greenhouses shall not be used for any sleeping or living accommodation on the Park.


20. You are responsible for the disposal of all household, recyclable and garden waste in approved containers through the local authority service.

21. You must place the approved containers in local authority approved positions for the local authority collections; this may be done the night before. Once emptied, it must be returned to within your pitch and stored in an unobtrusive position.

22. You must not overfill containers and bins should be kept with the lid closed at all times.

23. You must not deposit any waste or rubbish other than in local authority approved containers on any part of the park, adjacent woodlands or fields (including any individual pitch).

24. You must not store or deposit an excess of waste or rubbish on your pitch

25. You must not discharge motor oils and or other fuels into drains or onto any road or car parks.

Rule 23 does not apply to the park owner, their family or members of staff in the course of their work.

Business Activities

26. You must not use the pitch or the park (or any part of the park) for any business purpose, and you must not use the park home or the pitch for the storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment which has been used for any business purpose.

27. You are at liberty to work individually from home by carrying out any work of a type which does not create a nuisance or is obtrusive to other occupiers and does not involve other staff, other workers, customers or members of the public calling at the park home or the park.

Rules 26 & 27 do not apply to the park owner their family or members of staff in the course of their work.

Noise Nuisance

28. You must not use musical instruments, all forms of recorded music players, radios and other similar appliances and motor vehicles so as to cause nuisance to other occupiers, especially between the hours of 10.30pm – 6.00am weekdays and 11.00pm and 8.00am Saturday and Sunday.


You must not keep any pets or animals except the following:

29. You must not keep any more than 3 domestic pets at the park home or on the pitch. All pets must be suitably housed so as not to constitute a nuisance or annoyance to other home owners. (Breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 are not permitted at all). You must keep any pets under proper control and must not permit them to frighten other users of the park.

30. You must keep any dog on a leash not exceeding 1.5 metres in length and must not allow it to despoil the park.

31. All dog faeces must be picked up, bagged and disposed of using approved methods.

32. You are responsible for the behaviour and control of your pets and any pet brought onto the park by your visitors.

33. Nothing in Rule 29 of these Park Rules prevents you from keeping an assistance dog, or animal, if this is required to support your disability and Assistance Dogs UK or any successor body has issued you with an identification book or other appropriate evidence.

Rules 8, 9, & 11 do not apply to the Park Owner, their family, or members of staff in the course of their work.


12. You are not permitted to have more than three garden buildings of a maximum size of 3 metres x 2.4 metres (10ft x 8ft), subject to our approval in writing (which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed). Garden buildings means sheds, summer houses, greenhouses, and garden storage containers.

13. You are not permitted to have more than one garage on your pitch, subject to our approval in writing (which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed).

14. You are not permitted any tree houses.

15. You are not permitted to have more than two composting bins 1 square metre in size which should be non-inflammable on your pitch.

16. You are not permitted to store more than 1300 litres of heating oil, such storage must be in an approved polypropylene double skinned oil tank and comply with any relevant Code of Practice.

17. You are not permitted to store more than the following gas cylinders 2 x 19kg if used for cooking purposes or 4 x 47kg if used for cooking and central heating on your pitch. All cylinders should be stored in accordance with the appropriate regulations.

18. You must not have any additional storage receptacles on the pitch other than the items mentioned in Rules 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.

19. You must ensure that any shed or other structure erected in the separation distance between park homes is of non-combustible construction and positioned to comply with the parks site licence conditions and fire safety requirements. The separation distance is the space between your park home and any neighbours home or building.

Rules 12, 13 and 17 do not apply to the park owner, their family or members of staff in the course of their work.

Note: it may be necessary to obtain planning permission for such additions and you are advised to check with the local planning authority and for the avoidance of doubt garages, summer houses, sheds and greenhouses shall not be used for any sleeping or living accommodation on the Park.


20. You are responsible for the disposal of all household, recyclable and garden waste in approved containers through the local authority service.

21. You must place the approved containers in local authority approved positions for the local authority collections; this may be done the night before. Once emptied, it must be returned to within your pitch and stored in an unobtrusive position.

22. You must not overfill containers and bins should be kept with the lid closed at all times.

23. You must not deposit any waste or rubbish other than in local authority approved containers on any part of the park, adjacent woodlands or fields (including any individual pitch).

24. You must not store or deposit an excess of waste or rubbish on your pitch

25. You must not discharge motor oils and or other fuels into drains or onto any road or car parks.

Rule 23 does not apply to the park owner, their family or members of staff in the course of their work.

Business Activities

26. You must not use the pitch or the park (or any part of the park) for any business purpose, and you must not use the park home or the pitch for the storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment which has been used for any business purpose.

27. You are at liberty to work individually from home by carrying out any work of a type which does not create a nuisance or is obtrusive to other occupiers and does not involve other staff, other workers, customers or members of the public calling at the park home or the park.

Rules 26 & 27 do not apply to the park owner their family or members of staff in the course of their work.

Noise Nuisance

28. You must not use musical instruments, all forms of recorded music players, radios and other similar appliances and motor vehicles so as to cause nuisance to other occupiers, especially between the hours of 10.30pm – 6.00am weekdays and 11.00pm and 8.00am Saturday and Sunday.


You must not keep any pets or animals except the following:

29. You must not keep any more than 3 domestic pets at the park home or on the pitch. All pets must be suitably housed so as not to constitute a nuisance or annoyance to other home owners. (Breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 are not permitted at all). You must keep any pets under proper control and must not permit them to frighten other users of the park.

30. You must keep any dog on a leash not exceeding 1.5 metres in length and must not allow it to despoil the park.

31. All dog faeces must be picked up, bagged and disposed of using approved methods.

32. You are responsible for the behaviour and control of your pets and any pet brought onto the park by your visitors.


34. Not applicable to rental tenants and intentionally left blank.

35. You must not tamper, interfere with or alter any of the electrical installation on the distribution side of the meter. “Distribution side” means the connection from the Park Meter (i.e. the meters measuring the use across the Park as a whole) up to and including the Occupier’s meter serving the Occupier’s home.


36. Water is for domestic use and no stand pipes, permanent or remotely timed watering hoses or sprinklers are permitted if you are on an un-metered supply.

37. You must not use, interfere or obstruct fire hydrant points.

38. Not applicable to rental tenants and intentionally left blank.

38A. Not applicable to rental tenants and intentionally left blank.

39. You are not permitted to have any swimming pools, Jacuzzis or hot tubs on your pitch.

40. You must not tamper, interfere with, or alter any of the water installation on the distribution side of the meter or stopcock or (in the case of those occupiers with the benefit of 38A) in respect of the installation for which you are not responsible.
“Distribution side” means the connection or pipes from the Park Meter (i.e. the meters measuring the use across the Park as a whole) up to and including the Occupier’s meter or stopcock serving the Occupier’s home or (in the case of those occupiers with the benefit of 38A) in respect of the installation for which you are not responsible.

Foul Drainage

41. Not applicable to our rental tenants and intentionally left blank.

42. You should not dispose of any fat, cooking oil, sanitary towels, nappies, baby wipes, etc. into the foul drainage system.

43. You must not tamper, interfere with, or alter any of the foul drainage system from ground level downwards.


44. You must not tamper, interfere with, or alter any of the gas installation on the distribution side of the meter.

Television Aerials & Satellite Dishes

45. You should not affix any television aerials or satellite dishes to any trees, oil tanks, electricity, telephone or other service poles.

46. No satellite dish shall measure more than 600 mm diameter.

47. You are not permitted to erect any CB or other short wave aerials or masts on your pitch or other part of the park.

Vehicles and Parking

48. You must drive all vehicles on the park carefully and not exceed the displayed speed limit of 15mph.

49. You must hold a current driving licence and be insured to drive your or any vehicle under your control on the park. You must also ensure that any vehicle you drive on the park is taxed and has a valid MOT in accordance with the requirements of law and is in a roadworthy condition.

50. No major repairs involving the dismantling of part(s) of the engine, gearbox, axle, or other major parts of the car shall be carried out on the Park unless all such work takes place within a garage.

51. Motor oils and other fuels must not be discharged into drains or onto any road, car park or other land within the Park.

52. You must not park more than the number of vehicles that can be accommodated on the individual driveway of the pitch and identified on an existing individual pitch plan.

53. You or your visitors must not park on the roads, grass verges or in defined passing bays.

54. You or your visitors must not park anywhere except in permitted parking spaces.

55. You must not park any touring caravan or motor home on a pitch unless it is identified on an existing individual pitch plan. This is the plan under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 (as amended). You are reminded that it would be breach of the Park Owner’s site licence if any caravan or motorhome were occupied overnight whilst sited on the Park or Pitch. Your Agreement with the Park Owner requires that you comply with the terms of the Park Owner’s Site Licence.

56. Other than for delivering goods and services, you must not park or allow parking of commercial vehicles of any sort on the park, including:

  • light commercial vehicles or light goods vehicles as described in the vehicle taxation legislation, and
  • vehicles intended for domestic use but derived from or adapted from such commercial vehicle.

57. Disused or un-roadworthy vehicles must not be kept anywhere on the pitch or park. We reserve the right to remove any vehicle which is apparently abandoned, after having placed a 7 day notice on the windscreen of the vehicle.

Rule 52 & 56 do not apply to the park owner, their family or members of staff in the course of their work.

Note: For the avoidance of doubt, touring caravans and motorhomes shall not be used for any sleeping or living accommodation on the park.

Weapons & Flying apparatus

58. You may only keep guns, firearms and offensive weapons, including crossbows, on the pitch or in your home if you hold the appropriate licence and keep them securely stored in accordance with that licence.

59. You must not use or display guns, firearms and offensive weapons (including crossbows) on the park.

60. You must not fly any remote control model aircraft or drones on the park.

Rules 59 & 60 do not apply to the park owner, their family or members of staff in the course of their work.

External Decoration

61. Not applicable to our rental tenants and intentionally left blank.


62. You are responsible for the conduct of children and your visitors.

63. We will not tolerate any abuse, verbal, physical or mental either towards our team members, residents, contractors or visitors to our Park. In the event of any abuse will be reported to the police and where necessary legal action will be taken.

Foul Drainage

41. You are responsible for the foul drainage and waste water pipes from ground level upwards.

42. You should not dispose of any fat, cooking oil, sanitary towels, nappies, baby wipes, etc. into the foul drainage system.

43. You must not tamper, interfere with, or alter any of the foul drainage system from ground level downwards.


44. You must not tamper, interfere with, or alter any of the gas installation on the distribution side of the meter.
Television Aerials & Satellite Dishes

45. You should not affix any television aerials or satellite dishes to any trees, oil tanks, electricity, telephone or other service poles.

46. No satellite dish shall measure more than 600 mm diameter.

47. You are not permitted to erect any CB or other short wave aerials or masts on your pitch or other part of the park.
Vehicles and Parking

48. You must drive all vehicles on the park carefully and not exceed the displayed speed limit of 15mph.

49. You must hold a current driving licence and be insured to drive your or any vehicle under your control on the park. You must also ensure that any vehicle you drive on the park is taxed and has a valid MOT in accordance with the requirements of law and is in a roadworthy condition.

50. No major repairs involving the dismantling of part(s) of the engine, gearbox, axle, or other major parts of the car shall be carried out on the Park unless all such work takes place within a garage.

51. Motor oils and other fuels must not be discharged into drains or onto any road, car park or other land within the Park.

52. You must not park more than the number of vehicles that can be accommodated on the individual driveway of the pitch and identified on an existing individual pitch plan.

53. You or your visitors must not park on the roads, grass verges or in defined passing bays.

54. You or your visitors must not park anywhere except in permitted parking spaces.

55. You must not park any touring caravan or motor home on a pitch unless it is identified on an existing individual pitch plan. This is the plan under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 (as amended). You are reminded that it would be breach of the Park Owner’s site licence if any caravan or motorhome were occupied overnight whilst sited on the Park or Pitch. Your Agreement with the Park Owner requires that you comply with the terms of the Park Owner’s Site Licence.

56. Other than for delivering goods and services, you must not park or allow parking of commercial vehicles of any sort on the park, including:

  • light commercial vehicles or light goods vehicles as described in the vehicle taxation legislation, and
  • vehicles intended for domestic use but derived from or adapted from such commercial vehicle.

57. Disused or un-roadworthy vehicles must not be kept anywhere on the pitch or park. We reserve the right to remove any vehicle which is apparently abandoned, after having placed a 7 day notice on the windscreen of the vehicle.

Rule 52 & 56 do not apply to the park owner, their family or members of staff in the course of their work.

Note: For the avoidance of doubt, touring caravans and motorhomes shall not be used for any sleeping or living accommodation on the park.

Weapons & Flying apparatus

58. You may only keep guns, firearms and offensive weapons, including crossbows, on the pitch or in your home if you hold the appropriate licence and keep them securely stored in accordance with that licence.

59. You must not use or display guns, firearms and offensive weapons (including crossbows) on the park.

60. You must not fly any remote control model aircraft or drones on the park.
Rules 59 & 60 do not apply to the park owner, their family or members of staff in the course of their work.

External Decoration

61. Homeowners must maintain the outside of their park home in a clean, tidy and sound condition, as recommended by the manufacturer.


62. You are responsible for the conduct of children and your visitors.

63. We will not tolerate any abuse, verbal, physical or mental either towards our team members, residents, contractors or visitors to our Park. In the event of any abuse will be reported to the police and where necessary legal action will be taken.